The Set Up: Place tube under both feet for more resistance or one foot for less. Equal distance on each side.
- Standing with your feet hip distance apart, abdominals pulled toward your core center, shoulders down, chest lifted.
- Front Raise/ Anterior Shoulder: Inhale to prep, Exhale and lift arm straight out in front of you being certain to keep them shoulder distance apart. Be mindful to keep your scapula and traps down while lifting. Don’t let your shoulder raise toward your ears.
15 reps and rest for 15 seconds.
- Press Back / Triceps: Begin with your arms at the sides of your torso, palms facing back. Inhale to prep. Exhale and press arms back. Maintain the same stabilizing posture as with the Front Raise. 15 Reps and rest for 15 seconds.
- Supinated Curl / Biceps: Begin with your arms at the sides of your torso, palms facing front. Isolate your upper arm from your shoulder to your elbow – don’t let them move forward or back when performing the bicep curl. Inhale to prep. Exhale and curl your arms, bending at the elbow, until your hands are in front of your bicep. Keep your grip secure but loose so that most of the work is in the bicep and not your hands.
15 reps and rest for 15 seconds.
- Repeat sequence two more times for a total of three sets
- Perform this All Arm Exercise every other day, or at least three times a week and in no time your arms will be firm, strong, and lovely.