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Mindful Monday: Take Five

Yvonne Tally

Today, focus on what you want to create, not what you may be worried about or fear. Take three minutes to quiet your thoughts and breathe. Begin with five deep inhales and exhales. Silently state your focus using these affirming sentences: ‘Today, I choose to focus on…..’ I choose to create space for ….. to…

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Mindful Monday: Keep the Faith

Yvonne Tally

Faith is the knowingness within you, even in the absence of encouragement or evidence, that you’ll be guided in the direction that is meant for you. And although many times it may feel as though there are no answers or support, keep your faith close to your heart and choose your thoughts mindfully. Together, both…

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Mindful Monday: Power of Imagination

150 150 Yvonne Tally

  The power of imagination is limitless. It is an infinite reservoir of creativity, problem solving, and resourcefulness. Imagination allows us to explore concepts and ideas that may not be present in our current environment. However, our imagination gets the best of us when we are imagining the ‘worst’ or when we aimlessly let our…

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Taking The Plunge: Cryotherapy

Yvonne Tally

Is it therapy? Or is it just the CRY that leaps from your lungs when submerged from the neck down in in a stainless steel cylinder at minus 200 Fahrenheit that has grabbed the attention of health enthusiasts? Yes, that’s -200F to -240F, and you get to pay for it! After you shell out $50…

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A Good Hearty Laugh: Chuckling Your Way To A Healthy Ticker

Yvonne Tally

Laughter is contagious, far more than the common cold. Infectious giggling is irresistible, and cracking-up at your kids’ silly joke is a workout for your abdominals as much as your heart. While you’re wiping the tears off your cheeks from that joke, you’re doing something else that’s good for your heart; you’re getting an attitude…

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3 Practices For Moving Ahead Through Tough Times

Yvonne Tally

My mother always said, “It doesn’t matter what happens, it only matters how you handle it.” No matter what difficulty you may be facing, the following three practices will help ignite your inner strength while navigating through uncertainty. ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING – What You Think Is What You Create Attitude will dramatically alter any experience.…

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5 Time Saving Organization Tips

Yvonne Tally

Tips from Yvonne’s cookbook, Your Fit Gourmet, Cooking Secrets for The Overscheduled Woman. Being prepared is essential to living a healthy and stress-free lifestyle. We all know the feeling of dashing through the door at work, nearly late, and the anxiety we feel being unprepared for the day ahead. And had we arrived a few…

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The Art of De-Stressing

Yvonne Tally

THE ART OF DE-STRESSING is an ongoing effort. Once you begin the practice of MINDFULNESS, the ability to EXPAND the amount of TIME you are in a MINDFUL STATE will slowly and consistently increase. Meditation is ground zero for mastering the art of de-stressing as it will give you a MIND RECESS, and TEMPORAL TIME…

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Falling in Love with You

Yvonne Tally

Self-love begins with acceptance. It is anchored in an awareness that the totality of who you are is every-changing and infinite. What you were in the past is not who you are today. You get to choose who you are and how you will BE YOU in this life; one choice at a time. Just…

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