During this time of year, expectations run high. In the process of making everything just right, we often forget what is really important; the ones we love. And there is something else that gets shoved under the stack of gifts and schedules, and that the awareness that everyone deserves a second chance. If someone has hurt you in the past, or wronged you in a way that now seems not-all-that-important. Offer them a second chance. Not to get it right, but to be with you. Share the best of what you are and the most of what you can be.
Let go of the past
Let go of the past so that you can make room for the now. Tis the season of giving; opening space in your heart, letting go of expectation– even a little bit — can change the entire feel of your holiday time. And I promise, welcoming back a loved one without expectation is a chance that you don’t want to pass up. Be kind, take time, and give love a chance.