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Mindful Monday: Appreciation

Yvonne Tally
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This week marks the beginning of a traditional holiday season, and for many, a time that often carries great expectation, worry, and disappointment. Let’s take a moment and think about what we want to create, rather than what we may try to avoid. Take five minutes at the beginning of your day and choose five things that you desire to share with loved ones. Throughout the day, when you feel your mind running off in random worry or anxious thoughts, consciously bring it back to your Power List of Five Appreciations. Here is a simple format to help get you started.

1: What or who makes you smile and laugh?

2: What is a positive quality of someone you love?

3: What is your best quality that brings light to your day and others?

4: What feelings do you want to experience today?

5: Appreciation Mantra: I choose to open my heart, release judgment of others and myself, and I will remain mindful of love, kindness, and joy. Nothing else matters.

Happy Thanksgiving to all. xoxo


Yvonne Tally

All stories by: Yvonne Tally